Demagnetizers characteristics and performances

  • Minimum residual magnetism Excellent and constant performances, far better than traditional demagnetization systems. In agreement with the quality standards of the bearing manufacturers and auto parts manufacturers, the residual magnetism, must be lower than  2 [A/cm] for small parts; for larger parts, from 2 to 12 [A/cm], according to dimension and type. The average residual magnetism value obtained with our electronic demagnetizers is much lower than the values shown above.
  • Minimum energy consumption ( < 150 W ) The average energy consumption of our electronic demagnetizer is between 100 [VA] and 300 [VA]. Common tunnel demagnetizers have a considerably higher consumption: between 1 [KVA] and 25 [KVA]. Bussi demagnetizers may have electrical consumptions up to 20-30 times lower than other models. The energy saving makes it possible to completely amortize the cost of the demagnetizer after  few years of use.
  • High degree of demagnetization value repeatability Results of demagnetization always repetitive and constant over time. The residual magnetism values after the demagnetization vary little from each other.
  • Easy parts transfer without magnetic retention The capacitive discharge technology where the energy necessary for the demagnetization is concentrated in a short impulse, guarantees an easy transfer of the parts without any magnetic retention. Handling is linear and conforms with the production times.
  • High degree of reliability and durability Meticulous design of each part and use of high quality components. The power electronics and coils are scaled to guarantee the maximum efficiency over time even when production rhythms  are high.
  • Very high productivity The cycle time is between 2 and 20 sec, according to the application. Some models, suitable for demagnetizing small parts reach cycle times of 0.8 sec.
  • Almost zero maintenance
  • Easy integration in line and exchange of interface I/O Possibility of programming dedicated signals for in line communications and installations .
  • Easy installation
  • System modification and overhaul After a feasibility study, in some cases it is possible to overhaul the existing system in accordance with new Customer requirements: economic saving and extension of the investment.